50 x 100 ............................................. Kshs.125,000/=
Also available; 50 acres and 100 acres
Located 1.5 km off lsinya - Kajiado Highway
Part of the Kitengela - Isinya settlement corridor
Water, electricity and railway services on site
Ideal for family homes and estate development
Few remaining
Pay cash or bankers cheque to:
i) Equity Bank, Kimathi Street Branch, Account No. 0260294705886
Or deposit at any Equity Branch
ii) Cooperative Bank, Parliament Road Branch, Account No. 01100001727001
Or deposit at any Cooperative Bank Branch
Processing of plot Title Deeds commence on completion of payment
For further details contact.
NCM House, 4th floor, Office No. 1, Tom Mboya Street, Nairobi
Tel: 0733-734151, 0722-378975, 0722-728072, 0721-338479